Request For BSMC of Jacksonville Appearance or Presentation
As a way of fulfilling our mission to educate the public about the rich history of the Buffalo Soldiers we do presentations and make appearances. Please select below.

BSMC Jacksonville, FL. Membership
Like to ride your motorcycle? Want to give back to the community? Ready to support fellow Buffalo Soldier chapters? Learn and educate the public on the rich history of the 9th and 10th Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers?

Computers 4 Kids & Veterans
Placing computers in the homes of children and giving them training in basic computer skills is an effective way of providing equal opportunities to bridge social gaps.
Donation Option
The Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club, Jacksonville Chapter (BSMC JAX) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. BSMC JAX is a proud supporter of the Computers for Kids and Vets, a 501(c)3 charity whose mission is to provide refurbished computers to disadvantaged students and disabled veterans. The BSMCJAX awards the Computers for Kids and Veterans with a sizeable donation each year based on the funds we raise during the year and at our Annual ‘Call to Colors’ event. On June 10-12, 2022, BSMCJAX will host our 17th Anniversary ‘Call to Colors’ event in Jacksonville, Florida. This major fundraiser for the Chapter will draw motorcycle clubs from all parts of the country to support the BSMCJAX mission.
We would appreciate your financial contribution to assist us in our ongoing support for Youth Programs, Community Giveaways and actively promote positive and professional images through our club involvement with community activities. Please donate now.